Sentiments statistics

In the Sentiments tab, data on the emotional coloring of content is available, in case operators are marking up when handling comments and direct messages.

Please note that this feature is available only for users on Team and Business billing plans!

The first graph shows the total number of sentiments posted by day.
You can select the period you want to analyze in the filters on the left.

Sentiments statistics

Below is a visualization of the percentage of emotional content.

Sentiments statistics

As well as statistics broken down by activity type.

Sentiments statistics

Further below is a breakdown of all publications with the option to sort (from greater to lesser) by total number of emotional reactions, by number of positive reactions, or by number of negative reactions.

Sentiments statistics

This section of the statistics also presents data on the emotional coloring of activities in the context of tags that were assigned to appeals. This will allow you to track what bottlenecks there are in the operation of your business.
You can sort the data in a similar way to the publication data (see above).

Sentiments statistics

The figures indicating the number of conversions in both the publications block and the tags block are clickable. Clicking on the figure you are interested in will take you to a feed of appeals with appropriate filtering.