This Privacy Policy (hereinafter the “Policy”) shall apply to all information about the User, which Angry LTD (hereinafter the “Administration”) may obtain during the User’s exploitation of the Angry.Space Service (hereinafter the “Service”).

Service exploitation means unconditional consent of the User to this Policy and procession conditions of their personal protection data contained therein. If disagree with these conditions, the User shall have no right to exploit the Service lawfully.

For further information on the terms which govern your use of the respective Service, please see

  • 1. The list of processed personal data

    1.1. According to this Policy, the User’s personal data shall include:

    1.1.1. Personal information which the User provides about themselves upon account creation/registration or during exploitation of the Service:

    • Name
    • Email addres
    • Company Name
    • Social Profile URL
    The information which is mandatory to use the Service is designated with special marks.
    Other information may be provided by the User at their discretion.

    1.1.2. The User’s last name, first name, patronymic, postal address, payment details if this is necessary to perform the Agreement.

    1.1.3. Data which are automatically submitted during exploitation of the Service through the software installed in the user’s device, including IP-address, cookie files data, information about the User’s browser (or other software used to access Services), technical characteristics of the equipment and software used by the User, date and time of access to the Service, information about the User’s profile/communities in social networks the User interacts with while using the Service.

    1.2 This Policy is applicable only to personal data processed in the course of the Service exploitation. The Administration shall not control or take responsibility for personal data processing by third party sites (social network sites or other) the User interacts with during exploitation of the Service.

    1.3 Responsibility for provision of false information is stipulated in the Public Service Agreement (hereinafter the “Agreement”) and the User Agreement posted at (hereinafter the “User Agreement”).

  • 2. Purpose of personal data processing

    2.1. The Administration shall collect and store only those personal data which are necessary to provide the Service or fulfill obligations to the User under the Agreement, except for cases when the legislation stipulates the necessary keeping of personal data within the time period stated by the law

    2.2. The User’s personal data shall be processed by the Administration for the following purpose:

    • Identification of the party in the framework of using the Service and fulfilling the Agreement entered into by and between the User and the Administration.
    • Communication with the User, including sending requests, notices or information related to Service exploitation, performing any agreements and contracts (including sending any reporting documents under the Agreement), as well as processing the User’s requests.
    • Improvement of the Service quality, its convenience for use, and development of additional functions of the Service

  • 3. Customer personal data processing terms and conditions

    3.1. The Administration shall keep the User’s personal data in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation.

    3.2. The User’s personal data shall be confidential, except when the User voluntarily discloses their information to an unlimited number of persons.

    3.3. The Administration shall have the right to disclose the User’s personal data to third parties in the following cases:

    3.3.1. The User has given their consent to such disclosure.

    3.3.2. When the User exploits payment services, including but not limited to: YooMoney, Internet-banking, to pay for the Administration services on provision of the Service.

    3.3.3. When disclosure is mandatory in accordance with applicable low;

    3.3.4. To ensure a possibility of protection of rights and legal interests of the Administration or third parties in cases when the User breaches the Agreement, the User Agreement, this Policy or in cases when the Administration has reasons to believe that in the course of Service exploitation, the User violates the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation (including offences under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

    3.4. When processing the User’s personal data, the Administration shall be guided by Federal Law “On Personal Data.”

  • 4. Change and deletion of personal data. Necessary data keeping

    4.1. The User shall have the right to change (update, amend) at any moment personal data they have provided or a part thereof using the personal data editing function in the certain section of the User’s account.

    4.2. The User may also send a request for deletion of the account to the technical support of the Administration If such request is complied with, the User shall stop exploiting the Service, and the Agreement shall be terminated.

    4.3. Rights set forth in subsections 4.1. and 4.2. hereof may be restricted in accordance with the requirements of the legislation. In particular, such restrictions may provide for the Administration’s obligation to keep any information changed or deleted by the User during the period stipulated by the law and submit such information to the relevant state authority in the manner established by the legislation.

  • 5. Customer content

    5.1. When the Users connect a Social Profile to the Service they can instantly collect, process and access the comments and messages of this Social Profile via the Service (subject to the terms of service and privacy policies with the Supported Platforms). In this way the Users can receive, use, and analyze data from the Supported platform of their choosing, including the ability to view, delete and publish answers via the Service.

    5.2. The service processes the following data:

    • Customer generated content (posts, comments, posts, profile pictures, images on the Supported Platforms)
    • End Users Comments ans Messages
    • End Users Name, profile picture, Social Profile URLs
    • Supported Platforms user IDs

    5.3. The service uses Customer Content for the following purposes:

    • To identify the author of an End User Message or Comment.
    • To aggregate all End User Messages and Comments from the same person and provide an history of all past conversation between and End User and a Customer.

    5.4. The service allows to connect Social Profiles of the Supported platforms. When the User publishes content to a Supported Platform, the Service is no longer responsible for that content from the moment it leaves the Service. Instead, the content will be subject to the relevant terms and privacy policies of the Supported platforms. For example, if the User publishes a message on Facebook via the Service, the Facebook privacy policy and terms of service will apply to that message on the Facebook server. The Service cannot take responsibility for the content or compliance with the privacy policy of any Supported Platform.

    5.5. Please note the Service uses YouTube API Services as a service provider, and if the User connects to the Service their YouTube channel, the User must agree agree to be bound by the YouTube Terms of Service, located at, and the User is subject to the Google Privacy Policy, located at

    The Users shall carefully review the privacy policies of any Supported Platform they access via the Service, such as:

    5.5. The User can delete connected Social Profiles to the Service independently in personal account at any time on page Settings - Accounts. In this case all collected customer content will be permanently deleted.

    5.7. If the User has authorized the Service to access own Social Profile, in addition to normal procedure for deleting stored data, the User may revoke this access at any time by following the instructions of the Supported Platforms:

    5.8. If the User stops using the Service all collected customer content will be deleted after 7 days.

    5.9. The User can connect the Administration for any questions and requests in any convenient way:VK,Facebook,Telegram

  • 6. Measures used to protect data

    6.1. The Administration shall take necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the User’s personal data from unauthorized or accidental disclosure, destruction, changing, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as other illegal handling it by third parties.

    6.2. The Administration promptly informs its employees about the requirements of the current legislation regarding the processing of personal data, and also trains them in methods of protecting data from internal leaks.

    6.3. The Administration ensures a level of technical data security adequate to the standards accepted in the industry.

    6.4. Each User may access information related to its accounts connected to the Service (Customer Content) and to specific end users interacting with such connected accounts.

    6.5. In the event of a leak of personal data, the Administration undertakes to notify Users within 72 hours from the moment the leak is discovered. In the event that third parties gain unauthorized access to data, the Administration undertakes to personally notify each User whose data has been unauthorized.

    6.6. The Administration constantly checks the provisions of this Policy for their compliance with the norms of current legislation and makes the necessary changes in a timely manner.

  • 7. Government Requests for User Data

    7.1. The Administration may disclose User data in response to official government requests (e.g. court orders, court orders to provide information, etc.) in accordance with applicable law.

    7.2. The Administration carefully examines each government request to ensure that it is legally valid and complies with the law.

    7.3. The Administration discloses only the minimum necessary data in accordance with the law.

    7.4. The Administration undertakes to notify users of requests for their information before disclosing, unless this is prohibited by law.

    7.5. The Administration stores all government requests, responses to these requests, information on legal grounds, as well as persons associated with these requests.

  • 8. Policy application. Governing legislation

    8.1. This Policy shall apply to the User’s personal data after creation of the User’s account at the Service and shall remain valid during unlimited time.

    8.2. The Administration may amend this Privacy Policy. The valid edition of this Policy has been posted at

    8.3. Legal relationships between the Administration and the User shall be regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

  • 9. For European Union citizens

    In compliance with Regulation of the EU 2016/679 as of April 27, 2016 the User hereby gives his consent to the provision to and processing of his personal data by the Administration for the purposes of execution and performance of the Agreement, as well as the proper usage of the Service, by any of means not specifically forbidden by the substantive laws of the Russian Federation and regulations of the European Union The personal data shall include the following: name and email. This consent shall cover any action (operation) or a set of actions (operations) performed by the Administration with or without the use of automatic means, including collection, recording, organization, structuring, alignment or combination, acquisition, storage, adaptation or alteration (updating or changing), retrieval, use, disclosure by transmission (dissemination or otherwise making available or accessible), consultation, depersonalization, restriction or blocking, erasure or destruction of any personal data. The Consent shall be effective throughout the term of the Agreement. The Consent may be revoked by the User at any time after termination of the Agreement subject to 30 (thirty) days’ notice given to the Administration prior to date of revocation with due regard to the expiration of the terms stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation for the storage of accounting documents, by the legislation on archives and other applicable laws.