The Serviceis the Angry.Space informational system hosted in the Internet the “Site”) and representing the result of the intellectual activity in the form of the computer software. The Service has been provided in the objective form by a combination of data and commands and generated audiovisual images (including its constituent graphic images and user interface) necessary for functioning any computers and mobile devices to achieve a certain result.

The Administration means Angry LTD, Primary State Registration Number (OGRN) 1167746323469, Taxpayer’s identification number (INN) 7725312352, incorporated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and registered at Russia, 115162, Moscow, Shukhova st, bld 14, premises IX, room 22.

The Agreement means the agreement by and between the Client and the Administration, stipulating the Parties’ main rights and obligations regarding Service exploitation entered into in the form of a public agreement pursuant to Article 426 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and containing all material terms and conditions of services providing.

The Client means an individual, a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur having legal capacity according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, who/which accepted the terms and conditions of the Agreement and paid for the Administration’s services on granting access to the Service. The Client shall obtain and undertake all rights and obligations of the User hereunder.

The User means an individual who uses the Service.

The Account means a combination of data about the User, necessary to identify them at the Service and grant access to their personal data and settings.

Social Networks mean platforms, online-services, web-sites etc. aimed at establishment, reflection and arrangement of social relationships in the Internet: VK, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and/or services analogous or similar in terms of their functions and purpose. The full list of Social Networks which may be operated through the Service is posted at


    1.1. This User Agreement (hereinafter the “User Agreement”, or “Agreement”) describes Service exploitation rules mandatory for each User during the whole term of Service exploitation.

    1.2. The User shall study the content of this User Agreement in full prior to creation of the Account. The fact of the Service use beginning certifies that the User has studied the terms and conditions hereof and accepts them.

    1.3. Terms and conditions hereof may be changed by the Administration in a unilateral manner without a notice. The Agreement version posted at be a valid version hereof.

    1.4. This Agreement shall apply to the User during exploitation thereby of the Service, irrespectively of whether the Administration’s services have been paid for directly by the User (i. e. when the Client and the User are the same person) or the User exploits the Service at the Client’s initiative (including as an employee/representative of the Client).


    2.1. The Service provides the User with a possibility to optimize the work with communities (groups, public pages, business accounts) in Social Networks administered by the User. The Service enables the User to work with communities in several Social Networks simultaneously.

    2.2. The detailed list of functions the User has in their disposal is posted at

    2.3. According to the Administration’s rates posted at the Site, the Client is able to pay for the Service access granted to several Users. Along with that, the Client, depending on the number of accounts purchased, shall be granted a right to invite Users to create new Accounts by sending a special link to the User’s e-mail address. Users registered by such Client’s invitation shall be joined by the Service in a space (hereinafter the “Space”). As to the Group, the Client shall be assigned the Administrator access level allowing it to change, within the Group, such Users’ rights to access the Client’s communities (description of access levels is posted at the Site in Documentation section) or delete or remove their Accounts from the Group.

    2.4. During communication with Social Networks, the Administration shall use only those means allowed by the administration of Social Networks (public API). While exploiting the Service, the User shall never carry out any activities prohibited by the administration of Social Networks (or one of Social Networks if communicating it through the Service).

    2.5. The Service shall be provided as is, and the Administration shall not guarantee that all of its functions will meet the User’s expectations or will be able to be applied for a specific purpose.

    2.6. At no circumstances, the Administration shall bear responsibility to the User for any damage (including the lost profit), any loss of income, profit, information or savings in relation to the use of or inability to use the Service.


    3.1. To begin using the Service, the User shall create the Account first. The User may use the Service by themselves (then the User is provided with a limited range of functions, without the right to access Groups and create their own Groups), as the Client (following the full payment of the Service pursuant to the Agreement) or by invitation of the Client. If the User created the Account by the Client’s invitation, such User acknowledges that initiative access to the Group may be changed or terminated, at such Client’s will. The Administration shall bear no responsibility for the Client’s said actions and shall not block/delete the Account at its own initiative if the User legally uses the Service and adheres to the requirements of this User Agreement.

    3.2. The User shall bear their sole responsibility for authenticity and completeness of the information submitted for Account creation.

    3.3. To connect the User’s community in the Social Network to the Service, the User while using the profile/community functions of the corresponding Social Network shall grant access to the Service if it is necessary according to the rules or methods of public API of the corresponding Social Network.

    3.4. If there have been revealed any facts of Account (one or more) creation by the User to carry out illegal activities or ones prohibited by the administration of the corresponding Social Network (including but not limited to spamming, bot using or other activities listed in Section 4 hereof), the Administration shall reserve the right to block such Accounts without notice in a unilateral manner, and if any commitment of criminal offences by the User has been revealed, report it to the law-enforcement authorities of the Russian Federation.

    3.5. To access the Account, the User shall use the login and password they select on their own. The login and password may be stored by the User in the hardware and software subject to using cookies files, for further automated authorization on the Site.

    3.6. Unless the User proves otherwise, any activities committed with their login and/or password shall be regarded as committed by the User. The Administration shall bear no responsibility for unauthorized access to the Account by third parties if that resulted from a loss/disclosure of the login and/or password to third parties by the User, as well as obtaining access to such data at User’s devices by third parties.


    4.1. When using the Service, the User shall:

    • adhere to the requirements of the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation and rules established by Social Networks for Users;
    • not use the Service to carry out illegal activities or activities which infringe any rights and legal interests of third parties;
    • not carry out mass mailing of messages (spamming) to the addresses of other users of Social Networks without their consent;
    • not use software and carry out activities aimed at interfering with the normal functioning of the Service or personal pages of Social Network users;
    • not download, store, publish, distribute, grant access to or otherwise use viruses, Trojan horses or hostile or malicious programs;
    • o not carry out mass same actions aimed at the artificial increasing of data meters intergrated to Social Networks, by themselves or on behalf of other Users, by dint of functions of their Accounts, including by misrepresentation or offering a remuneration, inter alia using any programs or automated scripts;
    • not download or store information and materials at the Service, which (including but not limited to):
      • disgrace the honor and dignity or business reputation or infringe personal privacy of other Users or third parties;
      • contain pornographic images and/or texts or sexual scenes with participation of minors;
      • contain scenes of outrageous animal treatment;
      • contain description of means and ways of suicide or any encouragement to commit it;
      • promote and/or facilitate rousing racial, religious, ethnic hatred or hostility, promote fascism or a racial superiority ideology;
      • contain extremist materials and/or promote activity of terroristic organizations;
      • promote criminal activity or contain advices, instructions or manuals for commitment of criminal activities;
      • contain information with restricted access, including but not limited to state or commercial secret, information about the personal life of third parties;
      • contain any advertising or describe attractiveness of taking narcotic substances, information about drugs distribution, recipes of their production or use instructions;
      • are fraudulent in nature;
      • infringe third party intellectual rights;
      • infringe other rights and interests of citizens or legal entities or requirements of the Russian legislation.

    4.2. The Administration shall not initiate or control the User’s posting any information during Service exploitation, shall have no influence on content or integrity of that information, and, at the moment of posting such information, shall not aware of and cannot be aware of whether it infringes any third party rights and interests protected by the law, as well as international treaties, the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation and/or legislation of other states.

    4.3. The User shall comply in all respects with all the terms of service of the Supported Platforms, such as:

    4.4. If the User has created the Account by invitation of the Client in accordance with section 2.3. hereof and uses the Service under the employment contract entered into with the Client, the Client shall be fully responsible for activities of such User.


    5.1. In the course of exploitation of the Service, the User shall not obtain any rights to intellectual properties and/or individualization means related to the Service, Site or Administration.

    5.2. The User shall bear the sole responsibility for the information and materials they post, reproduce (copy), make available to the public and/or exchange with other users of Social Networks through the Service, including in cases when the User’s activities lead to infringement of third party rights.


    6.1. By accepting these terms and conditions, the User, according to Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” (hereinafter the “Personal Data Law”) and acting freely, by their will and in their own interest, grants their consent to provide their personal data including their name, e-mail address, company name, as well as information on the User in Social Networks, to which the User is granted access while Service using, for the purpose of processing the listed information by the Administration.

    6.2. The Administration shall be responsible for processing and protecting the personal data pursuant to the Personal Data Law, other regulations which establish requirements to processing and protecting the personal data, and the Confidentiality Policy posted at the Site at

    6.3. The User shall take the sole responsibility for personal data of third parties to which the User obtains access while using the Service. Having obtained access to personal data of third parties (while using functions of personal messages in Social Networks or otherwise), the User shall obtain consent to personal data processing, including by the Administration, in the manner stipulated by the Personal Data Law. Without such consent, the User shall have no right to obtain access to third party data during exploitation the Service.


    7.1. This User Agreement shall become effective upon Account creation by the User and remain valid until deletion thereof.

    7.2. The User’s Account may be deleted at the User’s initiative. The Administration shall reserve the right to suspend/block the User’s Account in the event of violation thereby of the terms and conditions hereof.

    7.3. If any provisions of this User Agreement are considered as invalid or void, this shall not affect any other provisions hereof.

    7.4. The legislation applicable to this Agreement shall be legislation of the Russian Federation.