Collecting comments on posts in the channel

The service can collect users' native comments on posts in the channel. is not supported.

Please note that you cannot connect the same bot to different services. When you connect to Angry.Space, messages from users will come only to our service, and will not go to other CRM systems and services, if they were connected before.

Step 1. For the correct collection of comments from the channel to the service, you need to make a number of settings beforehand.

First of all, findBotFatherin Telegram

  • if the bot is not created, create it following the instructions, using the command /newbot

Please note that replies to your customers will be sent on behalf of the Telegram bot, so when choosing a name and username for the bot, we recommend making them closer to your brand.
For example,
We have the following:

Telegram connection

It is possible to change the Bot Name through @BotFather settings, username is not changed.

  • if the bot already exists, write the command /mybots and select the required one
  • go to the bot settings (Bot Settings)

Telegram connection

  • check that the ability to add bots to groups (Allow Groups) is enabled (it is usually enabled by default).

Telegram connection

  • Go to the privacy settings (Group Privacy) and disable the bot's privacy mode. This is an important condition for the correct collection of service requests.

Telegram connection

Make sure Discussion is enabled in your channel. You can do this in Telegram under Settings - Manage Channel - Discussions.

Telegram connection

You need to connect a group chat to the channel, which will collect users' messages and what you post in the channel.

Step 2. Add a bot to the group chat linked to the discussions.

Please note that in order for social listening to work correctly, the created bot should be added to the bound group chat, not to the channel itself. If you add a bot to a channel, the service will only collect posts published on behalf of the channel, and no comments under them.

If you want to moderate all requests via the service, including deleting user comments in the chat, you should give the bot Admin rights. This can be done under Settings - Group Management - Admins. Make sure the bot has rights to delete posts and ban members:

Telegram connection

If Admin rights are not granted, you won't be able to delete messages and ban users out of the service, but the collection of appeals and responses to them will work correctly.

Step 3. In Angry.Space, the bot is connected using a token on theSettings - Social profiles page.
To get your bot's token, go to the chat withBotFatherin Telegram, select the bot you want and go to the API Token section.

By default, comments from the channel go to the general dialog in the "Messages" section, so for convenience, we recommend checking the "Process group chat messages as comments" checkbox.

Telegram connection

You can also add your own stickerpacks using them in replies from Angry.Space.
To do this, you need to specify a link to the required stickerpack and click the Add button.

Adding stickers

Important! How to avoid collecting spam from third-party groups/channels?

After adding a Telegram bot, follow the steps outlined inTHIS ARTICLE.
This will help to avoid spam comments from entering the service.